
Showing posts with the label Opinion

The Indigent and Homeless

Jesus Christ said you will find me among the dispossessed and outcasts of society. For anyone who has spent anytime with a homeless person—at times, you would be very hard pressed to see the ‘face of Christ.’ These are people—plain, ordinary people. Mother Teresa of Calcutta spent decades among the poor in India. It has been said she, at times, would fall into despair over the fact that she was overwhelmed.  I, presently, live in an area with a lot of poor and indigent people. When I say my heart bleeds—it is no lie. There are so many times when I can’t do a thing. At those times there is quite a bit of despair, and you realize these people may be mentally ill or unstable.  It has been awhile since a law was passed that gave the right to a mentally ill person to refuse their medications— it is in my estimation absolutely wrong. While being overwhelmed with prescriptions is cruel—there are some medications that would leave many people catatonic. These souls would essentially sleep all d

OPINION: My objections to Fox

 Sometime in the early-to-mid twentieth century there existed a Movie Studio named 20th Century Fox. It produced many hit movies. Some fifty years later, a billionaire bought the corporation and turned it into what many see as a folksy and all too chummy media conglomerate known as Fox News, Sports, and etc, etc, etc.  It has a lot of appeal. The anchors appear approachable and rather polished. They seem so approachable that some would believe they could double as family members. That last sentence is the crux of the problem. These individuals really shouldn’t interject their ‘so-called personal opinions’ into public narrative. Most would not want to be anyone else's family. I sound cruel but it is the truth. While most people are genuinely good (and don't get me wrong, many of the anchors and employees at Fox are good people). However, there is a corporate agenda that seems to cater to those in power -- especially the conservatives.  It is unprofessional and people (good, bad