OPINION: My objections to Fox

 Sometime in the early-to-mid twentieth century there existed a Movie Studio named 20th Century Fox. It produced many hit movies. Some fifty years later, a billionaire bought the corporation and turned it into what many see as a folksy and all too chummy media conglomerate known as Fox News, Sports, and etc, etc, etc. 

It has a lot of appeal. The anchors appear approachable and rather polished. They seem so approachable that some would believe they could double as family members. That last sentence is the crux of the problem.

These individuals really shouldn’t interject their ‘so-called personal opinions’ into public narrative. Most would not want to be anyone else's family. I sound cruel but it is the truth. While most people are genuinely good (and don't get me wrong, many of the anchors and employees at Fox are good people). However, there is a corporate agenda that seems to cater to those in power -- especially the conservatives.  It is unprofessional and people (good, bad or, indifferent) can be manipulated into believing false narratives. A case in point is how it has become the de facto bullhorn for those who support the former President. This is an agenda that can and does do harm to the innocent who really wouldn't be clued into the fact that some National Fox Anchors have openly defended the criminal behavior of the former President. 

I will offer one other clue to why we should object to their corporate philosophy-- for anyone who is familiar with the sexualization of women in the media-- quite a bit has been made of  higher management at Fox sexually abusing its women employees. That, my friends, is the tipping point as to why there is something not too good going on there....

In the twenty first century, FOX was acquired by Disney-- my belief: things may change slowly but it will take time to reverse the course of exploitive media.

If you can't treat the fairer sex with the same respect that you would your own mother, sister, grandmother, or favorite aunt-- look out..... there is something going on behind the scenes that needs to be fleshed-out. 


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